Linggo, Enero 8, 2012

2012 Apocalypse: Are You Ready?

Do you believe in 2012 Apocalypse? Is the world really going to end on the 21st day of December 2012? End of the world or not, are you ready? 

Watch first the video for the introduction. 
(In courtesy of Youtube)

     The Year 2012 Apocalypse has been predicted by the coinciding beliefs of Religion, Prophesies and Science. This has been a trending topic since 2010 until 2012 came for it has intrigued people around the world. There are already a lot of predictions about the end of the world have failed before yet some people still think that this time around 2012 is the real deal. Why? It is because of the different 2012 predictions.

2012 End of the World Predictions

Solar Flares 

  • Solar flares that are released from the sun are set to peak during year 2012.
  • Nibiru (Planet X) which is said to be the missing planet will re-enter on our solar system will cause the gases in Jupiter to ignite causing it to turn into a secondary sun.
  • It was mentioned in the bible that SUN will play a role in end time biblical judgments on earth.

Galactic Alignment

  •  Some scientists  believe that during winter solstice when sun and earth become aligned with the black hole in the center of the galaxy, this will cause a extra gravitational pull on earth that will cause a natural disaster.
  • Galactic alignment is the reason of new ice age.

Planet X: Nibiru

  • Planet X will pass through our solar system around 2012 causing polar axis shift on earth which leads to destruction of humanity.
  • Annunaki who lived on Nibiru and said to be the first to engineered human beings will return to earth "return of our creator"  and get gold ore to save their surroundings.
Mayan Calendar

  • The end of final baktun(cycle) of Mayan Long Calendar is said to be on the 21st day of Dec. 2012 which is a significant date for the Mayan people that is why the end of the calendar means end of the world.
  • Mayan Calendar coincides with the galactic alignment, Nibiru and solar flares.

  • Some prophets believe that 2012 will be the end of the world according to bible prophecy. 
  • They cite bible verses which prove the 2012 Doomsday. Earthquakes, famine, fearful sights, fire are some signs according to the bible that rapture is soon.

  • Aliens will invade the earth because of their elusive and evasive behavior including abductions.
  • Over 1600 different entity incidents of UFO sightings.

    • Nostradamus predictions of a comet or planet that will impact or pass near earth and trigger global destruction.
    • It brings destruction upon Britain, Rome, and Vatican results to a World War III.
    • Nostradamus also spoke of tidal waves as high as Mount Olympus that will hit Greece. 


           I don't believe in these predictions. These events that are predicted have big possibilities to happen like earthquakes, tsunamis, landslide or what they are telling as a sign of the end of the world. All of these are just natural phenomenon or calamities that the world has been experiencing. These predictions have no credible evidence that can prove that these such things will exactly happen. 

               According to NASA scientists, nothing bad will happen to the Earth this year. There is no planetary alignment next few decades. And even if these alignments will occur, their effect on the Earth would be negligible. Nibiru or Planet X does not exist. This thing is just an internet hoax. There is no factual basis about this. There are no threatening asteroids as large as the one that killed the dinosaurs. Mayans also didn't predict the exact date for the end of the world. It doesn't mean that the Mayan calendar deadline would be end of the world for it is just an ordinary calendar. Though there is a lot of UFO sightings, aliens don't have factual evidence that they really exist. Nostradamus already predicted the 2000 year end of the world (Y2K) but it just came and went. These are just fictional assertions.
           It is not about the predictions but because of what human did to our Mother Earth. Yes, the world will truly end someday because all living things will die. The question is.... when?  If we will continue destroying the earth end of the world will be sooner.

         According to the bible in Mathew 24:36, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." No man knows the exact day or hour when Jesus will return but all the signs would be happening when Jesus will come back. God knows everything. He is our creator and I believe that the creator will be the one to judge when will the world end and when will be the rapture. 


           End of the world or not! Are you ready for the coming of the Lord?  The main thing is that we have to be ready. Have Jesus truly in your heart for it will not matter when Jesus will come back. Obey His words and remember that it is not too late for us to change. Just know that the day will come when we all stand before Him and those who receive Jesus will be jumping for joy on that day
